Non-Seg Refurbishment to Support Transformer Change-Out

Home > Projects > Non-Seg Refurbishment to Support Transformer Change-Out


EBI mobilized to this hydro plant to conduct a comprehensive offline inspection of the non-segregated bus system before a new transformer was connected. During the inspection, our team identified critical repairs that needed to be done on the 90-degree bus bars to ensure the new connection to the transformer was secure and reliable.

Scope of Work:

  • Repaired the silver plating on the exiting non-seg bus ends and splice plates
  • Replaced insulation
  • Set EBI supplied non-seg bus sections
  • Torqued, DLRO all bolted connections
  • Installed new dog house and enclosure on GSU
  • Torqued all remaining non-seg bars and locations
  • Complete a final DC Hi-Pot acceptance test of the IPB per IEEE standards
  • Installed all braids, doors and panels

If your non-segregated bus system hasn’t been inspected by qualified experts in the past 18 to 24 months, there’s a strong likelihood similar issues could be present. Regular maintenance and inspections, carried out by skilled and trained personnel, are essential to ensuring the reliability of these system-critical electrical components. This proactive approach helps reduce the risk of unexpected outages and enhances the overall performance of your power generation fleet. Contact EBI today to learn how we can safeguard your system from costly downtime.

Project Details

Plant Type:Hydro
Plant Size:150 MW
Plant Location:California
EBI Job #3711
JPR Score


"Great crew. Did not cut corners and made sure everything was done per standards. Followed safety standards, used PPE and worked safely."

Patrick R.
Construction Management Inspector

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